APPSAFE offers specialist electrical testing and tagging services to
businesses all over Australia.
Appsafe is a specialist electrical testing and tagging business with our head office in Melbourne, Victoria. We offer our customers service in Victoria, NSW, Queensland, Tasmania & South Australia.

APPSAFE offers specialist electrical testing and tagging services to businesses all over Australia. From our head office in Melbourne VIC, we provide our customers with a broad range of electrical safety services, supporting the management of their legislative compliance regarding electrical testing and tagging processes within their workplaces.
We provide our customers with easy access to a wide range of testing and tagging services for a variety of electrical equipment – from power tools to safety switches, to wiring and lighting. We are committed to ensuring our customers are supported to the highest standards.
APPSAFE’s key company focus is safety – we put it at the forefront of our business, and assist our clients to put it at the forefront of theirs. Through constant monitoring and improvement, we are focused on making sure that our clients fully comply with all Australian occupational health and safety legislation.
We will ensure the electrical testing and tagging processes within your workplace meet Australian standard AS/NZS 3760:2010 for in-service inspection and testing of electrical equipment.
APPSAFE technicians are equipped with the most comprehensive, up-to-date training and equipment available to ensure maximum safety on site at all times.
Using only the best available electrical test and tag technology – Prime Test 300 testers with PATGUARD software – we are able to test, download data and report on all appliances tested on site. Our clients are then provided with detailed reporting which can be used for audit and inventory purposes as well.
APPSAFE understands that efficiency is important to our customers, and strive to ensure minimal disruption to workplaces while testing and tagging is been conducted on site.
The combination of our dedicated professional staff, our unique systems and the quality of our diverse range of services makes APPSAFE an exceptional choice for companies looking for premium solutions at competitive rates.
Testing and Tagging is a necessary procedure for the electrical safety checking of appliances which minimise the risk of electrical hazards.
It is mandatory of all employers and self-employed to ensure electrical equipment is safely maintained as part of fulfilling their obligation under the Electrical safety act No AS/NZS 3760:2010.
We are customer focused and specialise in testing and tagging of all Electrical portable appliances. We offer our customers service in VIC, NSW, QLD, TAS, SA & WA.