APPSAFE offers specialist electrical testing and tagging services to
businesses all over Australia.

Safety switches are sometimes referred to RCDs (Residual Current Device) or ELCBs (Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers). Safety switches are life saving devices that can either be permanent fixtures located on your switchboard, or portable for use in various locations.
As an important part of fulfilling your OH&S obligations and maintaining a fully compliant test and tagging program, all RCDs/safety switches used in the workplace must be checked on a regular basis to ensure they are working correctly.
APPSAFE technicians will inspect and test both fixed and portable RCDs in your workplace, assuring they are in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010 and state-based legislation. A simple trip test will be conducted, along with an operating time test to ensure your RCD cuts the power to your circuits within the recommended time frame.
Reporting is provided in electronic format via email. This information can be made available in hard copy by request, and is also available online.